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Is the IE5 era of the motor market really coming?


Recently, the topic of IE5 motors has been "incessantly heard". Has the era of IE5 motors really arrived? The advent of an era must represent that everything is ready to go. Let us unveil the mystery of high-efficiency motors together.


01Leading in energy efficiency, leading the future

First, let's understand what IE5 motors are? IE5 motors refer to motors with energy efficiency levels that reach the highest standard IE5 level of the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC). It uses the latest technology and materials and has excellent energy efficiency and control performance. Compared with traditional motors, IE5 motors can convert electrical energy into mechanical energy with higher efficiency, thereby achieving maximum energy savings and minimum environmental impact. In addition, it has advantages different from traditional motors:

Features and advantages of IE5 motors
High efficiency: Compared with traditional motors, IE5 motors can convert electrical energy into mechanical energy with higher efficiency, minimize energy waste and heat loss, save energy costs for enterprises, and reduce the burden on the environment.
Excellent control performance: IE5 motors have the characteristics of fast response and high precision, which makes them more powerful in industrial automation and process control. Whether it is production line control or precision machining, IE5 motors can play an excellent role.
Sustainable development: The design and manufacture of IE5 motors focus on sustainable development. The use of advanced materials and manufacturing processes has extended the service life of the motor, reduced maintenance costs, and provided enterprises with sustainable development solutions.

02 Policy support mainstream trend

Under the background of dual carbon, reducing corporate carbon emissions and upgrading motor energy efficiency have become important ways.

Since the "Eleventh Five-Year Plan", my country has vigorously promoted high-efficiency and energy-saving motors, promoted the renewal and transformation of existing motors, and steadily improved the energy efficiency level of motors and their systems. The state will set specific motor energy-saving targets to reduce energy consumption and carbon emissions in the industrial sector.
The National Development and Reform Commission, together with nine other departments including the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, issued the "Guiding Opinions on Coordinating Energy Conservation and Carbon Reduction and Recycling to Accelerate the Renovation of Products and Equipment in Key Areas" (hereinafter referred to as the "Guiding Opinions"). The "Guiding Opinions" clearly stated that by 2025, the market share of high-efficiency and energy-saving products and equipment will be further increased by coordinating the promotion of the renovation and recycling of products and equipment in key areas.

It proposes to gradually eliminate inefficient and backward motors. Strictly implement mandatory national standards such as "Energy Efficiency Limit Values ​​and Energy Efficiency Grades for Motors" (GB 18613) and "Energy Efficiency Limit Values ​​and Energy Efficiency Grades for Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors" (GB 30253), and prohibit the production and sale of motors with energy efficiency levels lower than energy efficiency level 3.
The "Implementation Guidelines for Motor Renovation and Recycling (2023 Edition)" (hereinafter referred to as the "Implementation Guidelines"), which was issued at the same time as the "Guiding Opinions", pointed out that the "Implementation Guidelines" require strict implementation of the "Energy Efficiency Limit Values ​​and Energy Efficiency Grades for Motors" (GB 18613) and "Advanced Energy Efficiency Levels, Energy Saving Levels and Access Levels for Key Energy-consuming Products and Equipment (2022 Edition)" and other documents, strictly implement energy-saving reviews for fixed asset investment projects, and enterprises shall not purchase and use motors with energy efficiency lower than the access level for new construction, renovation and expansion projects; new projects with an annual energy consumption of 10,000 tons of standard coal or more, and projects supported by fiscal funds such as central budget investment, in principle, shall not purchase and use motors with energy efficiency lower than the energy-saving level, and give priority to purchasing and using motors with energy efficiency reaching advanced levels.

03 Enterprises implement opportunities and challenges

From the product level, some enterprises have started to produce IE5 motors. From the perspective of product development, the energy efficiency standard GB18613 corresponding to the large-scale and wide-ranging small and medium-sized three-phase asynchronous motors has specified that the level 1 energy efficiency has reached the energy efficiency level of IE5, which is the highest energy efficiency level specified in the current IEC standard. However, not all motor manufacturers have the ability to develop IE5 motors, which is obviously impossible. At present, many enterprises have made breakthrough progress in the development of IE5 motors, but they still face many challenges in promotion:

Price factor: The R&D and production costs of IE5 motors are relatively high, so their selling prices are significantly higher than traditional low-efficiency motors. This discourages some companies from making purchasing decisions.
Updating: Many companies still use traditional low-efficiency motors on their production lines. It will take a certain amount of time and investment to fully upgrade to IE5 motors.
Market awareness: As an emerging product, IE5 motors have relatively low awareness and popularity in the market. More efforts need to be made in marketing and education,
In the process of development, promotion and application of high-efficiency motors, there is always a feeling of "the ideal is very full, the reality is very skinny". It has to be said that in the development process of high-efficiency motors, many motor manufacturing companies have a higher position and can Starting from the general trend of promoting the development of the country's manufacturing industry, we have given full play to our own advantages and made positive efforts. However, the entire motor market is relatively chaotic, which has seriously affected the promotion process of high-efficiency motors. This is something we have to admit and have to face. Right reality!
But the era of high-efficiency motors has arrived, and IE5 motors will become the star of tomorrow in the industry. Improving motor energy efficiency is an irreversible trend!
As motor people, we believe that IE5 motors will become the mainstream of industrial development and inject new impetus into the prosperity and sustainable development of global industry! Let us welcome this green and efficient new future together!